Fifth Town - Part Two !!
The owners of the LEED Platinum Fifth Town Artisan Cheese Factory in Picton has asked us to design and build a new pavilion on their property. The Client has confirmed that the popularity of the project and product means that at times, especially on the weekends, the facility is busting at the seams with visitors. But this time, instead of a high-tech building we are proposing a low tech organic structure, constructed from materials left over from the factory (such as Durisol) and from raw supplies like small diameter timber, stone and straw, all from the immediate site. The construction will be completed over several weekends with volunteer labour in a an old-fashioned 'barn raising' style of construction. This will give the participants the opportunity to learn firsthand about the materials, their installation and the methods of fastening. The construction will be directed by several skilled trades persons and Francis Lapointe, the principal of Lapointe Architects. Watch this blog for progress on the project.