Fire Arbour Construction Going Well
Log ring braces continued to be inserted between the trusses in the North section of the Fire Arbour. While those inserted between the...

Fire Arbour Truss Erection Completed
The centre king post and bent wood trusses were erected on top of concrete column foundations using a large crane. Afterwards, log ring...

Construction Starts - Site
Concrete cylinders arranged in a circle to be used as the foundation for the Fire Arbour's bent wood trusses were cast in place using...

Fire Arbour Construction Starts - Trusses
The bent wood trusses to be used in the structure of the Fire Arbour were assembled by bending and fastening top, bottom and internal...

Lapointe Architects Completes Design of Fire Arbour
A few months ago Lapointe Architects was asked to design a new Fire Arbour for Atikameksheng Anishnawbek (formally Whitefish First...

Exteriors progressing at the Orchard House
The mild winter saw the completion of the framing of the Orchard House in Simcoe County. The windows are installed, the roofing has...

Manse Award & Magazine Feature
The renovation of the Picton Manse into a luxury 7 bedroom Inn has been featured in the spring 2012 issue of County & Quinte Living. The...

Construction completed on Chudleigh Ave
Construction on the 2300 sf renovation and addition to a single family dwelling on Chudleigh Avenue is complete. This is another example...

River House framing completed
Mike Holmes' crew has been framing River House, despite all the rain this spring. Both the house and the garage are taking shape. Tarps...

Ravine House construction begins
The Ravine House site has been excavated according to stringent conditions laid out in the Site Plan Control process. To date, footings...

Chuckery Hill Bunky cladding and landscaping done
The Bunky on Chuckery Hill had its windows installed and cladding completed last month. The remaining site work including stair to the...

River House construction begins
Mike Holmes and The Holmes Group have started the construction of River House and have installed silt fencing. Tree hoarding and the pool...

USGBC GreenBuild Conference and Expo. Off-Site Education Session Planning
In early 2011 the Canadian Green Building Council (CaGBC) invited Lapointe Architects to participate in the planning of Off-Site...

Construction Begins on Orchard House
Construction has started on the 2900 sf Orchard House in Norfolk County. The well has been dug, and excavation and foundations have...

South Bay Cabana completed
Lapointe Architects is pleased to see a small gem completed this summer season. At the South Bay Residence site (which also houses the...