Wawa Approves Waterfront Design Concept
Residents of Wawa enthusiastically embraced Lapointe Architect's Boreal Shield Eco-Walk waterfront redevelopment concept at several public meetings last week. The Wawa Lake Waterfront Enhancement Study recommends the re-development of the waterfront into a 1.2 kilometre long Boreal Forest themed Eco-park, consisting of a reproduction of several ecosystems of the Boreal Forest, including a beach, a wetland, a forest, a meadow, a geology zone, a healing garden and a rejuvenation zone. The development will be undertaken in a ‘naturalized’ fashion, utilizing local rocks, stones, pebbles and sand, as well as indigenous species of trees, shrubs and plants. Each eco-section will feature prominent and at risk birds and animals of the region. Impressions of their paw prints will be embedded directly into the paths and stones of their native eco-zone. Finally, the medicinal value of several of the plants of the area will be featured, educating the Public on the potential for bio-prospecting within the Boreal Forest. The proposed project will resolve many issues at once, improving user access to the waterfront and particularly the beach, resolving the storm water outflow issue with a sustainable waste water management system, while stabilizing the Wawa Lake shoreline for generations to come.